We gathered together at Cheesecake Factory for a good friend’s birthday party one evening in August. By a twist of fate, we ended up seated next to each other... and how the time flew! In typical fashion, Karman ate incredibly slowly with his fork hovering between the plate and his mouth, but during his musing managed to announce a boat trip on Lake Washington the coming Thursday.


Our Story began on a Saturday in August....

Donald’s on the left and Teo’s on the right. It was Donald’s birthday party and Teo sparked our conversation by discussing his faith with us.

Either because Karman spoke too softly (intentionally?), or because Danielle used her body to block the sound waves (that must be it), she was the only one who heard said announcement and appeared on Thursday.

The First Date

It was a dream: swimming, a beautiful sunset, dinner on the water, and stargazing during the Perseid meteor showers to boot. Again, completely by accident (seriously, though), Karman managed to bring only one blanket. Jackpot.

A couple days later, Karman left for Pocatello, Idaho. All was lost. But wait, Danielle kept texting Karman and he thought “Maybe she’s into me!” 5600 minutes of talk time and about a month later, romance had bloomed.

Karman returned from the abyss of Idaho to claim his maiden in September, and the bud of love began growing into a tree. There were good times.

To the left, wedding dances. Below, the most tumultuous time in our relationship: the University of Washington (Karman) vs Washington State University (Danielle) football game.
